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International Conference on Development of Net Neutrality Rules

Kevin Martin.JPG

Kevin Martin, Facebook VP for global access policies and former FCC Chairman with Leonidas Kanellos, ex. BEREC Chair in Rio, Brazil.

The Center for Technology and Society (CTS) of the Rio de Janeiro Law School (FGV Direito Rio) held the International Conference on Development of Net Neutrality Rules, on Monday, June 8th. The meeting, which included three presentation panels, aimed to analyze the lessons that can be drawn from the development of net neutrality rules in Brazil and abroad based on the drafting process of the Civil Rights Framework for Internet Use and its regulation (currently under discussion at the Ministry of Justice) the development of new net neutrality rules by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the various ways European countries may conduct the matter.

The event included the participation of Alessandro Molon, the parliamentarian who reported the Civil Rights Framework for Internet Use at the House of Representatives; Kevin Martin, the vice president for global access policies for Facebook and former chairman of the FCC; Leonidas Kanellos, former president of BEREC – the European Agency for Telecommunications – and EETT – the telecommunications regulatory agency of Greece; Christopher Yoo, professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Mario Girasole, vice president for institutional affairs of Tim; Marcelo Chilvarquer, from the Legislative Affairs Office of the Ministry of Justice; Flávia Lefevre, representative of the consumer protection body PROTESTE; Silvio Meira, associate professor at Rio de Janeiro Law School; and Luiz Fernando Moncau, CTS manager.

"The event brought together the views of civil society, the academic world, as well as government and business at the domestic and international levels, underscoring the huge challenge of promoting balanced regulation on net neutrality," stated Moncau. For him, the Congress affirmed net neutrality rules that hold few exceptions. "It will be up to the decree to detail the exceptions brought by the law, limited to emergency and network management services. The choice was to preserve an environment of innovation at the edges, by keeping internet providers from establishing business models that allow only some services and not others."

The Conference took place at FGV's main offices, in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro.

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