Telecom Experts
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Speeches / Interviews / Articles
NMHH Conference on investment in the telecom sector
European Telecom - A trendy investment target again?
Budapest, 4 December 2013
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,
When in the beginning of the year we planned for a workshop on investment in European telecoms' sector we were acutely aware of the relevance and importance of the topic. In fact, creating an investment friendly environment is a major part of our existence as regulators.
How to achieve this goal will be the subject matter of our today's conference, which is perfectly organized by our Hungarian colleagues in the beautiful city of Budapest...
European Parliament/ ITRE Hearing on Connected Continent
Single Authorization/Access products/BEREC Governance
Brussels, 28 November 2013
Dear Ms Sartori, dear Ms del Castillo, dear members of the European Parliament's ITRE Committee, ladies and gentlemen,
In my capacity as BEREC Chair, let me also thank you for inviting us in this important hearing. As you know, BEREC is a strong supporter of targeted harmonization. In fact, we have been actively pursuing consistent regulatory approaches across the EU since the adoption of the BEREC Regulation in 2009.
I am sure most of you are familiar with our statement of 16 September and our summary position of 17 October 2013. There we have clearly expressed our sharing of the high level policy objectives behind the “Connected Continent” package, namely, to ...
Southern Mediterranean dialogue on Electronic Communications & the Information Society
The role of BEREC & the development of ICT in the EU
Athens, 18-19 November 2013
Honorable Minister,
Dear Colleagues from BEREC, EMERG, the Eastern Partnership and the European Commission, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me also welcome you to the sunny autumnal Athens. In the words of the poet:
“It's our pretty past, pretty present and the pretty future, it's to all coming generations the sea of love, the sea of beauty and the sea of pride. This is the pretty Mediterranean Sea, which lives in our hearts”.
New Europe Printed Edition
BEREC views on "Connected Continent" telecoms reform package
Brussels, 3-9 November 2013
At its meeting on October 24-25, the European Council welcomed the Commission "Connected Continent" package and encouraged legislators to carry out an intensive examination with a view to its timely adoption. BEREC, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, being a key interlocutor entrusted in statute to promote Regularoty coordination in the EU, has also being a strong supporter of targeted harmonisation...
ECTA Conference
Towards a European single market
Brussels, 24 June 2013
Distinguished delegates,
We are here to discuss the main regulatory challenges arising in Europe towards a Digital Single Market in telecoms. According to a EU Study 2012 on the cost on non-Europe, achieving a genuine single market could generate 0.9% GDP growth or 110 billion euro per year for the European economy. From a policy perspective, a single market would make a reality two fundamental principles of the European Treaty, first, the operators’ freedom to provide pan-European services and second, the citizens’ rights to consume digital content within a unified economic space.
Interview at Corriere delle Communicazioni
Kanellos: A single European Regulator? The NRAs are better
3 June 2013
[You may find web version of the interview here: ]
“We support the efforts of the European Commission to accelerate the achievement of a digital single market”, says the chairman of BEREC Leonidas Kanellos in an interview to Corriere delle Comunicazioni. However, Dr. Kanellos, who is also President of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), warns that any such initiative “should not reverse the current policies”, because “this could create a feeling of uncertainty”. BEREC, according to his chairman, “has managed to make a convincing case that it is the most appropriate structure to promote consistent regulation across Europe”. That is why Dr. Kanellos “would welcome any debate at the European level and in any future review about how BEREC’s role could be further enhanced”. Speaking about the plights of the European telecoms market Dr. Kanellos explains that “a certain level of consolidation is inevitable” and that he would support a regulatory lighter approach...
Interview at Bangkok Post
“EU-Belgium” amazed Thailand’s 3G auction reaffirming that high auction price brings bad results while NBTC is getting ready for the next auction of 1800 MHz
2 June 2013
Dr. Suthiphon’s mission to Brussels was to open serious talks on the topic of spectrum auction with EU telecommunication agencies and clear up all doubts. Meanwhile, “EU-Belgium” was dazzled by Thailand’s 3G auction. EU experiences confirm that high auction prices bring only bad results and directly affect consume....
Florence School of Regulation - Annual Conference
State of the industry: towards a European Single Market in Telecommunications and Media
Florence, Italy, 31 May 2013
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to join you at the FSR Annual Conference. BEREC has a fruitful cooperation with your institute that we are looking forward to maintain. My speech will focus on the main regulatory challenges arising in Europe towards a Digital Single Market in telecommunications and media.
In this regard, I will focus on two main sets of questions: ...
At 8th EETT International Conference
The future is here: A new era for regulation
Athens,, Greece, 17 May 2013
Dear Minister, distinguished guests from Greece and abroad, ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the EETT 8th International Conference. Our discussion today will focus on the regulatory challenges arising in the electronic communications market in Europe and internationally, on the transition towards a "smart" digital ecosystem.
In the next sessions, we will be discussing the following:
First, how the new digital ecosystem is defined, what are the parameters that characterize it and how it affects contemporary people ;
Second, how technology shapes the regulatory agenda and how regulation may best contribute to the smooth transition to an interconnected economy and society.
At 7th Annual Telecoms Regulation Forum
Three years BEREC: A success story
London, UK, 23 April 2013
The role of BEREC is to provide advice to the European Institutions (Commission, Parliament, Council) on electronic communications policy, develop regulatory best practices, adopt common regulatory approaches (Common positions, Guidelines etc.). Also deliver opinions on draft decisions, recommendations and guidelines on the compliance of NRA decisions to the European framework (process of article 7/7a of the Framework Directive).
Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean
The role of regulation in digital development
Montevideo, Uruguay, 3-5 April 2013
Estimados Ministros, Estimados Delegados, señoras et señores,
I am very glad to be here with you and address la cuarta Conferencia ministerial sobre la sociedad de la informacion e America Latina y el Caribe as Chairman of BEREC, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications.
Following the presentations of this morning, I must confess that I was impressed by the awareness and the efforts made by the public authorities in the region to develop high speed broadband not as a luxury but as a critical national infrastructure. (you can find also the speech on video here)
El presidente del Berec cree que el modelo de regulador único español es muy difícil de poner en práctica
El regulador europeo pide que se garantice la independencia de la CMT
Barcelona, Spain, March 2013
El presidente del Organismo de Reguladores Europeos de las Comunicaciones Electrónicas (BEREC, por sus siglas en inglés), Leonidas Kanellos, estima que los superreguladores como el que planea el Gobierno español pueden ser muy atractivos desde el punto de vista teórico pero resultan muy difíciles de poner en práctica debido al grado de especialización que necesitan cada uno de los sectores regulados.
“En mi opinión personal, los reguladores necesitan una especialización muy fuerte. No conozco los detalles del modelo español pero un superregulador que supervise todo al mismo tiempo puede parecer una idea muy atractiva pero en la práctica es difícil de llevar a cabo. Es complicado integrar todas las funciones, porque las bases legales son diferentes y el sistema de sanciones también. Por ejemplo, no tiene nada que ver el mercado electrónico con el energético”, señaló Kanellos en declaraciones a EL PAÍS.
At the annual Conference of the European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA)
Regulation as a driver for investment and growth in the NGA era
Brussels, 27 November 2012
It is for me an honour and a pleasure to address this important event as the Incoming Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications.
My presence here reflects the importance that BEREC attributes to the role of alternative operators as drivers of innovation and growth in the competitive electronic communications landscape. The timing is also significant, coming amidst the preparation by the European Commission of the policy measures that will implement the 12th of July initiative of VP Kroes.
Interview of EETT President Dr. Leonidas Kanellos at ICT News Eurasia
Rapid development never ends
September 2012
Greece is struggling with an economic downturn for about 3 years. But the ICT sector of the country is growing without loosing a momentum. While the country is still trying to find a formula to rescue from the economic crisis, ICT sector is growing with new investments and governmental plans.
Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, President of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) and Year 2013 Term President of BEREC, says the electronic communications sector is the core of EETT's competences...
At the Wireless World Research Forum
European Spectrum Policies for the bridging of the digital divide
Athens, 24 April 2012
It is with great pleasure that I accepted your invitation to address the Wireless World Research Forum, in my capacity as President of EETT, the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission and Incoming Chair 2013 of BEREC, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications.
Radio spectrum is a scarce and extremely valuable national resource. Indispensable in broadcasting and mobile communications, it can play a key role in broadband development, particularly in rural areas. At the same time, it can help vastly improve the efficacy of a wide range of services, including transport, education, healthcare, public safety, energy production etc...
At the ITU Centers of Excellence Workshop
The Digital Dividend: Challenges and Consumer Interests
Athens, 14 March 2012
Honourable Minister, esteemed delegates of the ITU, ladies and gentlemen,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all in this workshop, co- organised by the ITU and the INA Academy, with the support of EETT, the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission.
It is widely accepted that the transition from analogue to digital TV broadcasting constitutes one of the most important developments in the electronic communications sector over the past few years...
The role of electronic communications regulators’
Development of digital economy
Rome, 7 June 2011
Signor Presidente, Rispettabili Colleghi, Signore e Signori,
Prima di tutto vorrei ringraziarvi per avermi invitato a questo importante evento. Purtroppo, dato che non parlo l’italiano, mi dispiace ma sono costretto a continuare il mio discorso in inglese.
Today I am standing in front of you with a twofold identity, on the one hand, as Chairman of EETT, which is the independent Regulator of the postal and electronic communications markets in Greece, those two sectors creating approximately a 10 Billion Euro annual turnover.
On the other hand, as Vice Chairman of BEREC, the newly established Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications...
Interview of EETT President Dr. Leonidas Kanellos at the Newsletter of the Regulatory Authority of Italy (ΑGCOM)
Athens, 31 January 2011
The European Commission, with the initiatives on the “Europe 2020” strategy and on “a digital agenda for Europe” confirms the pivotal role of the ICT markets in order to exit the economic crisis and identifies the development of broadband fast and ultra fast networks and services in Europe in the next 10 years as essential drivers for a sustainable economic recovery. On last 20 September, the European Commission issued a comprehensive package (made up of the NGA Recommendation, the Proposal on the first radio spectrum policy program and the Communication on European Broadband) outlining initiatives to foster a competitive and innovative internal market for broadband services.
In light of these provisions, what do you think will be the main challenges for National Regulatory Authorities in order to meet the goals envisioned by the Community legal framework?
At Telecoms Forum (Slide Show)
The challenges and opportunities of Universal Service / Access in Greece
London, March 2011
The Greek Ecosystem
Solid infrastructure based competition, but based entirely on the incumbent's (OTE)
copper network (LLU).
Lack of alternative access networks
(99,5% of broadband lines are delivered through the incumbent’s copper network).
Mobile networks well developed but ...
At the 2nd Albanian Telecom Forum
Broadband infrastructure is fundamental for a nation's economic growth
Tirana, December 2010
Dear Minister, dear President of the Albanian Regulator, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to thank you for your kind invitation, which is a great honor to me and EETT, the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission. Our presence here demonstrates our willingness to disseminate the Greek regulatory experience together with the European “best practices” in Albania.
This event demonstrates in the most definite way the Albanian authorities’ commitment to broadband development, in an environment that safeguards competition, promotes innovation and encourages investment. As the President of the Hellenic Regulator, I most welcome this commitment, since broadband infrastructure is a fundamental enabler of a nation’s economic growth...
Interview of EETT President Dr. Leonidas Kanellos at TELEKOM DÜNYASI
Athens, 31 May 2010
Greece and Jordan Regulatory Authorities are telling …
One from the West, one from the East: Dr. Leonidas Kanellos
TELEKOM DÜNYASI: Could you please give us a short brief about the recent situation in telecom sector of Greece by numbers if possible? How many operators, broadband subscribers, etc.
KANELLOS: The electronic communications sector in Greece exhibits an impressive development over the past years, which is to a large extent a result of effective competition.
In the mobile market, which has long reached maturity...