Telecom Experts
we accomplish fine results
Dr. Leonidas Kanellos BEREC Chair 2013 at the 17th BEREC Plenary
Dr. Leonidas Kanellos at NMHH Conference on investment in the telecom sector "European Telecom a trendy investment target again?"
BEREC Study visit to South Korea (Korea Communications Commission)
Dr. Leonidas Kanellos BEREC Chair 2013 at the 17th BEREC Plenary
BEREC contributes to regulatory transparency in electronic communications
by Dr. Leonidas Kanellos
A key challenge for policymakers devising regulatory frameworks for electronic communications networks and services is to ensure that the applicable legal regimes remain relevant and fit-for-purpose. In order to foster Europe's prosperity and growth in the world digital economy, regulation needs to be predictable, adaptive and effectively respond to technological and market developments. Attracting investment in high-speed broadband ...