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BEREC contributes to regulatory transparency in electronic communications

by Dr. Leonidas Kanellos

A key challenge for policymakers devising regulatory frameworks for electronic communications networks and services is to ensure that the applicable legal regimes remain relevant and fit-for-purpose. In order to foster Europe's prosperity and growth in the world digital economy, regulation needs to be predictable, adaptive and effectively respond to technological and market developments. Attracting investment in high-speed broadband ...

Latest News

BEREC Chairmanship 2013: a productive and successful year

5 January 2014

BEREC Chair Keynote speaker at Telecom investment conference

4 December 2013

BEREC participates in the European Parliament "Connected Continent" hearing

29 November 2013

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NMHH Conference
BEREC Chair at European Parliament
Interview at ARCEP
8th EETT International Conference
Interview:Press and New Technologies
GSR 2013 Polland
FTTH Council Europe in Munich German
EETT at the Hellenic Parliament
7th EETT International Congress
GSMA 2013
4th Ministerial Conf. Montevideo UR

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