Telecom Experts
we accomplish fine results
Under Dr Kanellos’ national mandate as Greek telecoms and postal competition regulator, EETT promoted broadband deployment in Greece (fixed network penetration is currently 24%, access to mobile broadband is 42% as compared to the European average of 24%).
Our NRA has successfully attracted investments in Next Generation Access networks in the Hellenic market (with VDSL speeds up to 50 Mbps currently offered by all operators). EETT also conducted mobile spectrum auctions in the 900 and 1800 Mhz bands for the three mobile operators of the country while it has also contributed more than €533 M to the State Budget.
EETT Presidency has also introduced balanced regulation for all operators (termination rates, bundles, number portability etc), in accordance with European law. It has also applied e-government and electronic licensing schemes for numbers, frequencies and “one stop shop” authorisation schemes for antenna installation.
Except from efficiently handling consumer complaints, EETT also implemented innovative consumer-centric measurement tools for the quality of broadband connections (“Hyperion”).
Moreover, EETT founded two additional regional spectrum monitoring offices in Heraklion Crete and Patras. Finally, EETT has prepared the transition from analog to digital terrestrial television in the country while it has organized consumer awareness campaigns and high level annual conferences with the participation of world class speakers from Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia.