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14th BEREC plenary
Public debriefing on the outcome from the 14th BEREC plenary

On 14 March 2013, at a public debriefing Dr Leonidas Kanellos, BEREC Chair 2013, presented on the outcome from the 14th BEREC plenary meeting, which took place on 7 and 8 March 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Dr Kanellos made a full overview of all documents adopted for publication during the plenary, as follows:
BEREC Guidelines on the new Roaming Regulation (excluding Articles 3, 4 and 5 on wholesale access and separate sale of services).
BEREC Guidance paper in relation to Article 28(2) of the Universal Service Directive: a harmonised BEREC cooperation process, as well as the relevant Consultation report.
BEREC response to the Commission’s questionnaire on a proposed revision to the Recommendation on relevant markets.
BEREC opinion on the Commission’s draft Recommendation on Implementing the universal service for a digital society.
BEREC advice on OPTA’s request for assistance concerning Article 25 of the Universal Service Directive.
Decision for the election of BEREC Chair for 2014, which will take place at its next Plenary in June 2013, in Athens, Greece.
At its first Plenary of 2013, BEREC agreed the headline messages of its opinion on the Commission’s draft recommendation on cost orientation and non-discrimination.
The presentation of Dr Kanellos from the debriefing is available here.
Full information about all document adopted during the plenary is available here.